Welcome to the Parents’ Portal where you will find updates and information for parents and carers, as well as space to ask questions about what is happening within our school. 

About the School Stakeholder Committee (SSC)

The SSC is an advisory committee to the Board of Directors, making it similar to a governing body. It was formed in the Spring term 2023. Comprised of the school’s Directors, as well as representatives from the SLT, staff body, parent body and local community, the SSC supports the running of the school, but does not hold any statutory responsibility.  

The role of the SSC is to help and support the Board and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) by checking that the school’s ethos and values are successfully embedded in day-to-day learning. Our aim is to ensure that our learners are well cared for and developing holistically, and that staff are being well-supported operationally, professionally and personally. The SSC also has a key function in representing parents, and supporting the school to work effectively to meet the needs of families.

By providing a collaborative space and an opportunity for different voices to be heard, the SSC allows knowledge, experience and ideas to be pooled from across the school community – ensuring our wonderful setting will continue to thrive for many years to come.

About the Parent Portal

Everyone visiting our Parent Portal has something in common; we all have a child attending The Outdoors School.  For many, it is the last chance our child has for a fitting education in an environment that is understanding and that puts the welfare of learners first.

We hope all parents share our passion for the school’s continual growth and development, and we invite everyone to contribute to the Portal. We particularly welcome supportive and constructive comments, suggestions and ideas about what you would like to see within our school. If you have ideas for how things could improve, the SSC is here to represent your views. 

Joining the SSC

We currently have a vacancy for another parent to join the SSC.  We meet once per term on a Wednesday evening, and attendance can be remote. The meetings are fun, informative and educational giving all members an insight into the inner workings of The Outdoors School and providing an opportunity to make a difference.  

If you would be interested in joining, please email Liz Slade ([email protected]), or if you would like to speak to an existing parent member, please contact Lynda Cooper ([email protected]) for an informal chat.



Robyn’s role at the school is to look after our learners’ individual requirements and their pastoral welfare. She’s been an English teacher for over 20 years and has worked in Special Schools for the last 11. She loves the new Outdoors School because it is so different and allows children to be children with the flexibility to learn in the way that best suits them. Robyn loves anything to do with music, dancing and singing. She reads a lot and loves to cook.


Shevek is one of our founders and has been working in the outdoor education sector for many years as an instructor and team leader. He has been running residentials, day courses, accredited courses and expeditions for several years. In his spare time, he likes to cycle, adventure up mountains and spend time with his boys.


Tom is one of our founders. He studied FDg Environmental Education and since then has worked in land based industries promoting sustainable land management and conservation in both farming and forestry. When he’s not working, Tom can be found traipsing across the moors, hanging out with his boys or baking beautiful sourdough loaves!


Jon has worked as a lead in welfare, pastoral care, safeguarding and behaviour as a senior member of staff in secondary schools for nearly two decades. He is passionate about giving the best opportunities for all children and young people to achieve in life, no matter what challenges life throws at them. Jon has been involved in primary school governance, where his children attend, he is a leader at his local church and a massive rugby fan!


Liz is the PA to the directors, a mammoth task and one that she does amazingly. She has 15 years experience in education working with children from Kindergarten to Sixth Form including assisting with Forest School in a primary school setting. A keen outdoors person she enjoys combining her love of photography with her running, cycling, walking and kayaking adventures.


Beverley has worked in education for over 25 years initially as a Psychology teacher and then specialising in inclusion within mainstream schools, setting up and running behaviour provisions. She was a Chair of Governors at a primary school and a volunteer with Guide Dogs for the Blind. Beverley has worked for The Outdoors School since 2020.  She is passionate about working outdoors and project based learning. Beverley loves cooking, watching films, reading, spending time with her large family and friends, sea swimming and walking her rescue labrador.


Daisy has worked as a tutor for many years at The Outdoors School. Daisy has previously worked with adults with SEN needs before retraining as a Play Therapist. In Daisy’s spare time she makes pottery and helps run a pottery studio in Exeter, Ceramexe. Daisy is also a keen swimmer and is currently training for her first triathlon!


Flo is a mum who is a passionate advocate of inclusive and meaningful education. She feels privileged to have had the opportunity to work with The Outdoors School for a number of years in different capacities and is excited about continuing this work as a member of the SSC. Her background is in education, and she is keen to explore how she can continue to use her experience to support the school. Flo knows that as parents of SEND children we have unique experiences of making sure our children have their needs met and can thrive. She is thrilled to have seen her son flourish in the two years that he has been a pupil at The Outdoors School.


Lynda Cooper is mum to two fantastic kids, one of whom is lucky enough to attend The Outdoors School. A Northern Irish native who has relocated to Devon, Lynda loves spending time exploring the coast and moors – with many stops for fish and chips along the way! In her professional life, Lynda is an editor for Jessica Kingsley Publishers, working on books for and about the autistic community. This role gives her a fantastic opportunity to speak to neurodivergent adults and to learn more about how we can improve experiences for children for whom mainstream education, for many reasons, just doesn’t work. Lynda couldn’t be more supportive of the work that The Outdoors School are doing and is delighted to be helping the team as part of the SSC.


Belinda is a mother of two SEN sons.   She is fully aware of the challenges this brings and feels passionately about getting the right support and education for all SEN children and young people and trying to persuade ‘the establishment’ that one-size does not fit all.  She is a huge fan of The Outdoors School and feels privileged to have the opportunity to help with its success in whatever way possible. Belinda’s main hobby is birds of prey; she and her family currently have two, soon to be three, birds residing in their garden!  She loves the theatre, reading, flying her hawk, cooking…particularly baking…and eating good food with friends!