
Below you can find a full list of our policies

Click the items to begin download. If you’re can’t find what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Adverse Weather Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policy

Camera and Mobile Phone Policy

Careers Policy (The Outdoors School)

Company Brand Voice and Content Policy (All)

Complaints Procedure Policy

Contractors Management Policy

Curriculum Statement (The Outdoors School)

Customer Charter Policy

Data Protection Policy

Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

External Assessment Policy (The Outdoors School)

Fire Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Intimate Care, Personal Care & Toileting Policy

Online Safety Policy

Prevent & Upholding British Values Policy

Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy

Records Retention Schedule

Recruitment Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

SEND Information Report

Smoking and Vaping

Supporting Learners with Medical Conditions Policy (The Outdoors School)

The Outdoors School First Aid Policy

The Outdoors School SEND Policy

Therapy Dog Policy

Tool Use Policy

Visitor Policy